Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Road so Far

Many people would say I am at my best at this point, which is true and false.
A chronic illness doesn't go away over night, or it might never go away. People with chronic illness deal with the days they might be bed ridden and days where they can climb a mountain.
Sick-free days are a such a gift to us. We want to do everything before the problems come back and they are unable to do anything.

Currently, that is what I am dealing with. I am always in constant pain and have learned to block out the pain and cope with it, but at times it can be overbearing and I cannot do anything. Most people don't understand that...
They look at me, see me smiling and assume I am all well now. Which in most cases I am probably in pain, and just trying to deal with it. 
Being sick doesn't mean I have to be the stereotypical sick person. I can still go outside and smile, do things and still have fun, while being sick. Yes at times, my illness prevents me from doing anything and those are the days you don't see me. 
In that case, most people do not understand that. They think, "Well you are sick, so shouldn't you be in bed and eating chicken noodle soup?" 
I am not contagious, or will give you my illness. I can still get the flu or a cough on top of my other illness. 

I also get asked a lot, "How do you still smile after your illness has taken away so much from you?"
At times, I don't smile and get very sad. I wish I never was sick. 
I have learned to embrace my illness and find a happy medium between life and that. Even though I am sick, I am happy. 
I used to always look at other peoples life's and compare them to mine. Which is the worst thing to do at any time, sick or not. 
Yes, I had to give up a lot. I wasn't able to attend high school the way I wanted to, or college that way I had planned. I have a different way of looking at things. I always look at the big picture, I have goals to overcome. It might be at a slower pace then the average person, but I will get them done. 

I ask of people, when someone says they are dealing with an illness. To not judge them, look beyond that smile, the laughter, the goofing around.
Every chronic illness or illness has there challenges. All people have different ways of dealing with it. 

I take one day at time, some days might not be that best, but I am happy about who I am and what life brings me.

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