Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Mom

Today is Mother's day, and it's a day to recognize mothers for the great things they have done in our lives. My mom been beyond what she was expected to be, and faced challenges that no mother should ever have too.
No mother wants to hear that their kid is sick. It's something they can help but sometimes cannot fix which kills them.
When I began to get sick my mom thought it was something little, we went to doctors and they didn't know what was wrong. Test and test were done. Then we were finally were gave the news, an incurable condition. Treatment, drugs-- What a mother never wants to hear.
But my mother said it was gonna be okay, we would deal with anything that came our way and we did. She stood by my side and never left it.

With every procedure, she was there. Every MRI, she waited in the waiting room. Every ER visit, she told me the pain would get better. And with every picture taken, there is a person behind it. My mother.
My Mother is someone who has been there for everything. She has been amazing!
Happy Mothers day Mom! Love you so much.