Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's 2015!

Hello Everyone!

It's been a while since I have written a blog post. I am truly sorry for that, my illness has really taken over my life. After the last post, I had taken a turn for the worst. I never like admitting these things, but sometimes it's good to come to grips with things.
After being admitted into the hospital, I got a little better but was not to my old self (before the problem). I had always had dizziness but it had gotten very bad. I would stand up and almost pass out. Thank goodness, we had a doctor to go to even though it was a genetics doctor, he was really the light at the end of the tunnel. He was not happy on how sick I was, he referred me to a GI doctor at Children's.
That GI doctor ordered a TILT test, before even seeing me. I had gone to do the tilt test and it was very rough. At the end of the test, I had a seizure. It was the most scariest thing, I had in my life. It was confirmed that I had a Autonomic Problem. I was then diagnosed with POTs, a form a dysautonomia. POTS is pretty much when I stand up my blood pressure drops suddenly and my heart rate goes up, causing me to black out or faint. It's a heart condition, most likely caused from my Chiari. These doctors wanted to do more test, including checking my hearing, MRI, stomach test, and many more. They told me it's not gonna be a easy fix, and it will take time to get better!
Yes, I've been very ill but I'm dealing with it! I've got the support of my friends and family!

A week ago, I went to my ear doctor to get my hearing test and it was confirmed that I was deaf in my left ear. He had said, if your hearing comes back it would be a miracle! (There can always be miracles!) He said I would need new hearings aids to help me hear.

I am so not the one, to "ask" for money. But with medicial bills pilling up, it can really get tough!
Please feel free to share my --GOFUNDME-- page!

Sometimes life gives you the hardest challenges. I know I can defeat this illness!
IF anyone reading this is going through a rough time, know that things will get better! And if they don't, then you will deal with it then, when that happens!
Always stay positive! Hope and Positivity can change everything! 

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